In order to see your scheduled events on Vyte in your main calendar (whether it is on Google calendar, Office 365, CalDAV, etc...), just sync your main calendar account to your Vyte account and set this calendar as the default calendar for your confirmed appointments and suggested dates.
1. Go to your settings in the "Calendars" section
2. If you haven't already done so, synchronize your main calendar account (possible integrations: Google Calendar, Office 365, Microsoft Exchange, iCloud, CalDAV)
3. Set this calendar as the default calendar for your confirmed appointments and the proposed dates
4. Save configurations
All confirmed events and proposed dates resulting from these changes will be displayed directly on your main calendar.
If you want to display an event on your main calendar that was confirmed before you set this calendar as your default calendar, you can reconfirm the event and it will then be automatically displayed on your calendar.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
The Vyte Team.