You can keep a buffer time before or after appointments on your Vyte page to ensure you have enough time for transportation, preparation, or simply rest.
To add a buffer time before or after your appointments:
Go to the settings of your Vyte page (My Vyte Page or appointment type)
Click on the "Availability" tab
Find the "Buffer time before meetings" and "Buffer time after meetings" features
To define a buffer time before your events, insert the desired buffer time in minutes in the "Buffer time before meetings" field
To define a buffer time after the events of your calendar, insert the desired buffer time in minutes in the field "Buffer time after meetings"
Don't forget to save your changes
Buffer times apply to all events on your calendar, not just to appointments scheduled on Vyte.
Buffer times set in the availability settings of your "My Vyte Page" will also be applied when other users want to create a Vyte event with you (through “Create an event” not through a booking page)
Buffer times set in your appointment types are independent of the ones set in your “My Vyte page” availability settings 😉