If you do not request a subject on your Vyte page, the title of the appointment will automatically be the default automatic subject.
The default automatic object on your Vyte page is "Meeting {{invitee}} / {{company}}". However, you can change this default title by using or not the available variables.
To change the automatic subject of the appointments:
Go to the settings of your Vyte page
Go to the "Advanced settings" tab
Customize the automatic subject in the "Automatic subject" field
You can use these variables to adapt the title of the appointment to your guest:
{{invitee}} = guest's name
{{me}} = your name
{{company}} = the company of your guest
{{phone}} = your guest's phone number
Don't forget to save your changes π
When someone books you on your Vyte Page, then those variables will be replaced by the values that make sense for that meeting.
Example of variables use
Imagine your name is Erlich Bachman from Aviato and John Doe from Acme books a meeting with you on your page.
Meeting {{invitee}} <> {{me}} --> Meeting John Doe <> Erlich Bachman
β{{invitee}} from {{company}} meets {{me}} from Aviato -> Jon Doe from Acme meets Erlich Bachman from Aviato"
Let us know if you need any help using those variables.