Vyte has many different features for the team booking pages to book one team member.
One of them is to activate the team member selection/ drop down to enable your clients to choose themselves with which team member they want to book a meeting with.
They can also choose to not have a preference then they will be directed to a booking page where a slot will be shown where at least one of the team members are available.
First, create a team booking page (How to create a team booking page?)
If you have already created a team booking page:
Go to the setting of the team booking page
Activate the "Team member selection" feature
Now you can change the description
For the title above the Drop-Down Menu
And the "Default option label" (the description for the drop down menu button). If the user decides to not choose a specific team member, the appointment will be randomly assigned to one of the team members.
If none of the features "Book all team members" or "Team member selection" are activated, the appointment will be randomly assigned to one of the team members.