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FAQ English

How to create my Vyte page?
How to personalize my Vyte page title?
How to set the default title of the appointments booked from your Vyte page?
How to customize my Vyte page's URL?
How to set my weekly availabilities?
How to set buffer times before and/or after my meetings?
How to prevent same-day bookings or bookings under a certain amount of hours?
How to avoid double bookings?
How to accept multiple appointments at the same time?
How to prevent bookings in case of all-day events?
How to hide my past availabilities on my Vyte page?
How to hide the times when I'm never available on my Vyte page?
How to prevent bookings too much in advance on my Vyte page?
How to set the default duration of the meetings booked through my Vyte page?
How can I offer different meeting duration options on my Vyte page?
How to choose between the calendar view and the slots view?
How to define the minimum number of slots to suggest to book an appointment on your Vyte page?
How to create a booking form on my Vyte page?
How to automatically confirm the appointments from my Vyte page?
How to share my socials and my website on my Vyte page?
How to set the language of my Vyte page?
How to set the default timezone of your Vyte page?
How can I customize the text of the buttons on my Vyte page?
How to set a default place on my Vyte page?
How to set default place options on my Vyte page?
How to set a default place or default place options on my Vyte page?
How to set Google Meet as the default place on my Vyte page?
How to set Google Meet as a default place option on my Vyte page?
How to set Microsoft Teams as the default place for my appointments on my Vyte page?
How to set Microsoft Teams as a default option on my Vyte page?
How to set Zoom as the default place for my appointments on my Vyte page?
How to set Zoom as a default place option on my Vyte page?
How to set Whereby as the default place on your Vyte page?
How to set Whereby as a default place option for the appointments booked on your Vyte page?
How to set Webex as the default place for the appointments booked from my Vyte page?
How to set Webex as a default place option on my Vyte page?
How to ask for additional information from your invitee?
How do I redirect my guests to the link of my choice after booking the appointment?
How to customize the design of your Vyte page?
How to hide the Vyte support chat on my Vyte page?
How can I forbid my guests from suggesting another meeting location when booking a meeting from my Vyte page?
How can I customize the content of my Vyte page?
How can I forbid my guests from inviting more participants to meetings booked from my Vyte page?
How are the language and timezone indicated on my Vyte page?
How can I change the meeting's default duration on my Vyte page?
How to ask for a phone number when booking an appointment on my Vyte page?
Adding UTM parameters to a Vyte page link to track the source of people booking meetings on it
How to enable API parameters on a Vyte booking page

How can I connect my calendar to my Vyte account?
How can I automatically add my Vyte appointments to my connected calendar?
What are the "My events" and "My events OPTIONS" calendars for?
What is the purpose of the "Show as busy" and "Display to me" options in the calendar settings?
How can I block my availability on Vyte when I already have an event in my connected calendar?
How to connect my Google Agenda to my Vyte account?
How can I connect my Outlook calendar to my Vyte account?
How to connect my Microsoft Exchange calendar to my Vyte account?
How can I connect my iCloud calendar to my Vyte account?
How to connect my CalDAV calendar to my Vyte account?
How can I connect my ICS calendar to my Vyte account in read-only mode?
How to connect a Yahoo! Calendar to Vyte
How to connect a Fastmail calendar to Vyte
How to connect a calendar to Vyte
Does Vyte support iCloud calendars, Microsoft Exchange calendars, and other calendar platforms?
How can I see my calendar on Vyte?
Can I connect more than one calendar to my Vyte account?
How to choose which connected calendar I want my confirmed meetings to be added to?
What type of Outlook events are shown as busy by Vyte
How to choose which connected calendar I want the date options and/or my confirmed meetings to be added to?
How to choose which connected calendar I want the date options for my yet-to-be-confirmed meetings to be added to?
If I have multiple connected calendars to my Vyte account, on which one will my Vyte meetings be added to?
My appointments are not displayed in my calendar (Google, Office 365, iCloud, CalDAV, etc...)
How to create an Apple app-specific password to connect my iCloud calendar for Vyte?

Why are my availabilities not displayed correctly on Vyte?
Why can my guest and I only vote on one date option for a Vyte event?
How are my availabilities identified on Vyte?
Is there a maximum number of invitees when I create a meeting?
How to revoke Vyte's access to my Office 365 account data
What are the technical requirements to use Vyte?
What is your privacy policy?
Where is my calendar?
How can my guests adapt the language or time zone of my Vyte page?
Can I modify the design of my Vyte page?
Can I set my availability on Vyte?
Can people see what is on my calendar?
Does Vyte protect against double booking?
How many people can I invite to a Vyte meeting?
How can I track the traffic on my Vyte page?
How does Vyte access my personal calendar?
Do my guests need a Vyte account to participate in a Vyte meeting?
Do I need a Vyte account to participate in a Vyte event?
Do I need a Vyte account to book an appointment on a Vyte page?
Do my guests need a Vyte account to book an appointment on my Vyte page?
Are confirmed meetings automatically added to my guests' calendar?
Does Vyte offer an affiliate program?
How to know if an invitee has received and/or seen the invite to my meeting?
Can I integrate a paying app on my booking page?
Can I bill my clients when they book an appointment on my Vyte page?
Why the invitee and me don't receive confirmation emails?
Why is still a slot available even though I am booked that time for another appointment type already?
Why doesn't my Vyte page accept appointments?